Technology Baby Steps

The Technology Baby Steps are a simple and effective 5 step guide for helping everyone understand technology. It's designed to help you wherever you are on the technology understanding ladder and help you climb higher. 

Whether you're just getting started with your first computer or an advanced programmer, these steps can help make you better at using the technology tools you have, no matter what they are.

In today's world, teachers and parents are challenged to 'prepare students for jobs that don't exist yet, with technology that hasn't been invented, to solve problems we don't know we have' (Did You Know 2.0, 2007). The Technology Baby Steps makes helps to make technology easier to use and understand, so that it helps solve problems, instead of getting in the way of learning.

5 Steps of The Technology Baby Steps:

       1. Messaging
       2. Productivity
       3. Sites
       4. Documents
       5. Media

We live in an incredible time. Messaging happens with incredible speed and emails are passed back and forth in mere seconds of each other. Productivity is enhanced by so many different forms of available technology. Documents are shared by larger and larger groups of people. Sites on the internet and beyond will be created many millions of times over when you are finished reading this sentence. And Media is not only consumed but created by some of the most unlikely candidates. Those candidates are also younger than you think!

What people are saying about the Technology Baby Steps:

"I love anything that shifts my focus- helps me to see things in a new and different way. This system opened my eyes to an inbox that is actually in my control."

PhD Student & Blogger

"I think the [Technology Baby Steps] are a really logical and streamlined way to introduce many of the important uses for technology in education. It can help reluctant teachers as well as students more efficiently use all the tools that out there."

Teacher, Writer, Blogger

"Why aren't the [Technology Baby Steps] already in place?"

Teacher Technology Trainer